Dongfeng EX1 отзывыDongfeng EX1 отзывы

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Dongfeng EV EX1 Pro is a Chinese Dacia Spring, starts at $7,800

Dongfeng officially unveiled the EV EX1 Pro in China with a rather low starting price of RMB 55,700 which at current exchange rates is just over $7,800, or a smidgen over €8,000. This is a newer version of the already on sale EV EX1. The major difference between the two models is the new ternary lithium battery pack.

Dongfeng EV EX1 Pro is just a rebranded Renault City K-ZE, a Chinese version of the Dacia Spring. The car is manufactured by many other companies under different names and is actually based on another renault – the Renault Kwid, a gasoline-powered small SUV.

The upgraded battery offers a slightly better range of 331 km according to the CLTC standard, an increase of just 10 km over the previous version. On the inside, the car is equipped with a larger screen. The car in the photos is the Tiger Yao Edition, which is the second-most expensive version.

Dongfeng was proud to announce that all models of the new EV EX1 Pro come equipped with airbags. Although it may sound unusual, for the Chinese small EV market that is a first, most small EVs don’t actually offer airbags.

The interior is simple as in all of the international versions but Dongfend added some splashes of color and updated the upholstery as well. The infotainment offers voice support with the sat nav and multimedia now being capable of voice interaction.

The Chinese specification is confusingly identical to the Dacia Spring – there is the 33 kW electric motor and the apparently upgraded battery has 27.17 kWh capacity. It is somewhat smaller than the European counterpart and yet it offers 100 km more of driving range. We need to take this with a giant pinch of salt, the Chinese CLTC testing regime is rather optimistic with its results.

The updated model supports fast charging as well, which most likely is the 30 kW CCS – just like in Dacia. It seems Dongfeng brought the specification up to the European standard for the new, updated model. With prices starting at $7,800 and going all the way up to the $8,800 for the most expensive version, this surely is going to be a popular car.

Dongfeng EX1 Review: Excellent for Routine Commutes

The Dongfeng EX1, a small EV, has been designed to cater to the daily commuting needs with its practicality, especially for short distances. Let’s delve into the 2023 Dongfeng EX1 PRO Lightweight Edition Lightning model for a comprehensive review of its static performance.


The Dongfeng EX1 features a fusion of traditional fuel vehicle characteristics with a simple yet imposing style. The front grille boasts a split design with the upper section closed off, elegantly connecting the headlights with a delicate trim bar. These headlights are round and full, adding a vibrant touch to the front. The segmented lower air intake contributes to the vehicle’s distinctive front profile.

Along the sides, the design maintains simplicity and utility, accentuated by black trim for a more fashionable look. At the rear, smoked taillights and metal trim on the lower doors further highlight the vehicle’s stylishness.


Inside, the EX1’s interior resembles that of fuel vehicles from a few years ago but with significantly fewer physical buttons, aligning with modern design trends. The red and black interior provides an appealing visual experience. However, the plastic three-spoke steering wheel offers an average grip, which may not satisfy those particular about the tactile experience.


Dimension-wise, the EX1 measures 3732x1579x1515mm with a wheelbase of 2423mm, positioning it as a small SUV. Its space is adequate for daily commutes, but as a primary family vehicle, the rear space may feel cramped, especially legroom. The seat padding is on the harder side, and the angle of the backrest is not ergonomically friendly, which could lead to discomfort during long rides.


Powered by a permanent magnet synchronous motor, the EX1 delivers a maximum power of 33 kW and a torque of 125 Nm. It’s equipped with a lithium iron phosphate battery, ensuring a range of 201 km. Additionally, the vehicle supports fast charging.

Overall Evaluation

The Dongfeng EX1 excels in daily commuting. However, its limited space and power might not meet diverse needs, particularly for those requiring their first family car or those who prioritize advanced smart features. The vehicle is more suitable for routine commutes rather than catering to a wide array of requirements.

Электромобиль Dongfeng EX1 PRO

Dongfeng EX1 2022 – один из самых дешевых электрических кроссоверов, доступных на рынке в 2022 году. Производитель позиционирует свой автомобиль как негабаритный кроссовер. Компания сумела оснастить свой автомобиль всеми передовыми технологиями и солидными техническими характеристиками по относительно демократичной цене.

Электромобиль Dongfeng EX1 PRO

Dongfeng EX1 – это легкий, ловкий автомобиль, который имеет действительно скромную цену. Маленький кроссовер имеет следующие габариты: длина равна 3732 мм, ширина составляет 1579 мм, а высота – 1515 мм. Дешевый китайский электромобиль имеет под капотом двигатель, выдающий максимальную мощность в размере 45 лошадиных сил. Тройная литиевая батарея имеет общую мощность 26,8 киловатт в час. На одном заряде Dongfeng EX1 может проехать более 300 км согласно циклу NEDC. От полного нуля до 50 километров экологичный автомобиль разгоняется за 6 секунд.

Китайскому производителю удалось не только предоставить водителю качественный автомобиль за небольшую сумму, но и сделать стильное, строгое оформление. В машине установлены комфортные кресла с кожаными вставками, придающими Dongfeng EX1 солидности. В машине также установлена ​​приборная панель с цифровым восьмидюймовым экраном.

Для полной зарядки аккумулятора требуется всего 4,5 часа. А если использовать для этого специализированное зарядное устройство, то пополнить 80% акб можно всего за полчаса.

Для полной зарядки аккумулятора требуется всего 4,5 часа. А если использовать для этого специализированное зарядное устройство, то пополнить 80% акб можно всего за полчаса.

MQB- «модульная поперечная матрица». Модульная платформа позволяет легко и быстро менять колесную базу и ширину колеи автомобилей, а также адаптировать завод под выпуск моделей различных классов.

Новый автомобиль обновил мультимедийную систему, включая интеллектуальную систему голосового взаимодействия, интеллектуальную навигационную систему и развлечение.