Жниварки на нивуЖниварки на ниву

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Використання жниварки: переваги та методи

Жниварка (жатка) – універсальна сільськогосподарська техніка, яка використовується фермерами для скошування (зрізання) трави та с/г культур з подальшим укладанням зеленої маси у валки. В основі роботи жниварки лежить класичний технологічний процес скошування стебел рослин. Але це рішення не єдине, адже є, наприклад, очисні жатки, які не зрізають стебла, а лише обмолочують культури на корені. А купити жниварки можна, наприклад, на AGRO.RIA.

Переваги використання жниварок

Вперше жниварки почали використовувати у сільському господарстві Англії та Франції ще з XVIII століття, після чого вони активно поширились усім світом. Сучасні моделі жниварок виготовляються у різних варіантах конструкцій і функціональності, які підходять під різний тип сільськогосподарських культур, клімат і розміри полів.

Деякі моделі жаток, крім зрізання та складання у валки стебел пшениці, ячменя, жита, можуть мати додаткові функції, наприклад:

З метою пришвидшення технологічного процесу, жатки можна поєднувати з іншою сільськогосподарською технікою: тракторами і комбайнами.

Порівняно з традиційними методами збирання врожаю (ручні жнива, використання худоби), надійна механізована жниварка має низку переваг:

  • пришвидшує процес збирання с/г культур – за короткий час жниварки здатні обробляти великі поля;
  • полегшує тяжку одноманітну сільськогосподарську працю, підвищуючи продуктивність;
  • зменшує витрати на оплату праці працівникам, тому що не треба залучати велику кількість робітників;
  • працює за будь-якої погоди і освітлення, що пришвидшує терміни збирання врожаю;
  • забезпечує акуратне і рівномірне зрізання стебел культур не пошкоджуючи зерна, підвищуючи тим самим кількість врожаю;
  • може відокремлювати зерна від соломи, очищати від сміття, бур’яну тощо, тим самим підвищуючи якість врожаю;
  • не забруднює навколишнє довкілля вихлопними газами та має різні системи безпеки, які знижують ризики травмування в екстрених і аварійних ситуаціях;
  • легко ремонтується у випадку ламання.

Використання жниварки в аграрній промисловості є одним із ключових факторів розвитку сільського господарства, забезпечення продовольчої безпеки та якості врожаю. Жатка допомагає орендаторам отримувати більші прибутки від посівної кампанії, а також економити час і зменшувати витрати на оплату праці.

Увага! Задля ефективного використання сільгосптехніки, потрібне чітке планування робочого графіку, враховуючи погодні умови, види культури та розміри польових ділянок.

Рекомендації щодо оптимального використання жниварок

Сучасні жниварки здатні одночасно здійснювати декілька операцій, в залежності від типу і призначення.

За призначення жатки бувають:

За видом тягового пристрою їх поділяють на:

За способом розміщення техніка буває:

Для конкретних умов підбирається відповідний тим жатки. Так, наприклад, жатка, яка експлуатується разом з комбайном, буває платформного або шнекового типу. Якщо перша потрібна виключно для скошування рослин, то друга може бути залучена як для роздільного збирання, так і прямого комбайнування.

Під час роздільного скошування і складання у валок у жниварки працює ріжучий апарат і мотовило. Також передбачений стрічковий конвеєр. А під час прямого комбайнування функціонує підбирач, шнек і камера під нахилом (ріжучий апарат і мотовило у цьому процесі не задіяні).

Які функції виконують головні елементи жатки:

  1. Ріжучий апарат працює, як ножиці – стебла рослин зрізуються внаслідок зворотно-поступальних рухів ножа, набраного з трикутних пластин. Позиціонування ріжучого апарата залежить від виду культури, яка обробляється.
  2. Мотовило призначене для підводження і утримання колосся, що впало додолу, під час його зрізання ріжучим апаратом. Також за допомогою мотовила зерно просувається углиб бункера.
  3. Шнек і конвеєр виконують функції транспортування зрізаних культур до комбайна.

Налагодження основних параметрів жниварок

Щоб забезпечити ефективне та якісне збирання врожаю потрібно відрегулювати основні параметри жниварок відповідно до виду та стану с/г культур, швидкості руху комбайна/трактора, погоди тощо.

Головні параметри жниварки, які треба регулювати:

  • висота підйому,
  • кут нахилу,
  • розташування ріжучого апарату,
  • натяг пальцевого приводу,
  • ширина прорізу,
  • відстань від барабана до стрічкового транспортера.

Неправильне налаштування вищезгаданих характеристик може призвести до втрати частини врожаю, пошкодження культур, засмічення комбайна і зниження продуктивності.

Де купити нові та б/у жниварки в Україні

Усі українські фермери можуть придбати чи продати жниварку на AGRO.RIA – це онлайн платформа з продажу вживаної та нової сільгосптехніки, яка є відгалуженням популярного сайту AUTO.RIA. Там ви знайдете функціональні та надійні моделі жаток найкращих світових брендів: Akturk, Biso, CAT Lexion, Capello, Case, Challenger, John Deere та інших виробників.

Maintenance of the reaper. Step-by-step guide

Any farmer knows that idle time during the harvest of such a valuable crop as sunflower results in significant losses and greatly affects the success of the harvesting campaign as a whole. To ensure a smooth and successful harvest, it is necessary to properly maintain the harvester before starting work. In this article, we will look at a few steps that will help you prepare for the sunflower harvest and make the most with your sunflower harvesting header.

Types of harvesting header maintenance

The harvesting combine head maintenance system includes:

  1. Maintenance during preparation for the operational run-in;
  2. Maintenance during the operational run-in;
  3. Maintenance after the end of the run-in period;
  4. Maintenance during intended use:
    a) every shift maintenance (ESM) after 10 hours of operation;
    b) first maintenance (MOT-1) after 60 hours;
  5. Maintenance during storage;
  6. Maintenance during removal from storage.

Depending on whether you are using a new or used header, the operator must follow these points for maintenance. If you have just bought a new harvesting header, then all 6 points of this list will be relevant. For headers that have already been in operation, points 4, 5 and 6 will be relevant.

Preparing a new sunflower header for running-in

Running-in of a new reaper is a mandatory procedure that guarantees the durability of your harvesting header in the future.

Steps to prepare a new sunflower header for running-in:

  1. Remove the preservation grease;
  2. Install the previously dismantled components and parts;
  3. Check and adjust if necessary:
    clearances between pins and segments, segments and clamps, friction plates and knife;
    installation of the knife;
    installation of the reel;
    screw installation;
    tension of the drive belt and chains;
  4. Check and, if necessary, tighten:
    fastening connections of the reaper components;
  5. Lubricate the moving parts of the header according to the lubrication table.

Maintenance of the sunflower header during the run-in period

This is the stage when the header will work directly in the unit with the combine with dynamic loads on the working bodies of both the header and the combine. The correct installation, adjustment and “running-in” of the reaper and combine elements will determine the success of further operation of the reaper and ensure that it does not damage the combine.

A step-by-step action plan for running in a sunflower header:

  1. Start the engine and switch on the working bodies of the header at low speed. Gradually increase the engine speed to the rated speed. Make sure that all working parts of the header are working properly. Excessive knocks and vibrations are not allowed;
  2. Run the header at idle for 30 minutes;
  3. Stop the engine. Check the heating of the bearing housings by touch. The hand should freely withstand the temperature of the housing parts;
  4. During running-in under operating conditions, increase the load gradually as the reaper’s working bodies become accustomed. During the running-in period, monitor: the tension of the drive belt and chains; the adjustment of the reaper’s working members; the condition of the fastening connections.
  5. Monitor the condition of the MNN 85.10P, carry out maintenance in accordance with its operating instructions.

Maintenance work on the sunflower header after running-in

Steps to be taken after the run-in period or 60 hours of operation:

  1. Clean the header from accumulated crop residues;
  2. Eliminate oil leaks, if any;
  3. Check the tension of the drive belt, chains and all fastening connections;
  4. Lubricate friction units according to the lubrication table.

Routine maintenance of the header (RMT)

This type of maintenance is the main one during harvesting and should be performed every time before starting work.

The following activities are included in the shift maintenance of the header:

  1. Clean the cutting unit from dust, dirt and crop residues;
  2. Check the condition and reliability of fasteners by external inspection:
    bearing unit housings;
  3. Lubricate all lubrication points with solidol according to the lubrication table;
  4. Check the clearances in the cutting unit;
  5. Check and, if necessary, adjust the tension of the drive belt and chains;
  6. Start the combine engine and idle it and check the operation of components and mechanisms.

Planned maintenance of the sunflower header

Periodic maintenance is carried out after a certain operating time of the header in man-hours to thoroughly check the condition of parts and mechanisms that were not checked during the shift maintenance.

Maintenance (MOT-1) is performed after 60 hours of operation and includes the following work:

  1. Clean from dust, dirt and crop residues;
  2. Check the condition and reliability of fasteners by external inspection:
    cutting unit and its drive;
    bearing unit housings;
  3. Check and adjust, if necessary:
    tension of V-belts and chain drives;
    clearances in the cutting unit;
  4. Lubricate all lubrication points with solidol according to the lubrication table;
  5. Start the combine engine and check the operation of the header components and mechanisms at idle;
  6. Check and eliminate oil leaks, if necessary.

Maintenance of the sunflower header during storage

This type of maintenance refers to periodic maintenance, which is carried out not only before storage, but also during long-term storage.

Long-term storage (more than two months) must be carried out no later than 10 days after the end of field work at a specially designated site. The header should be stored indoors or under a canopy that protects it from precipitation and direct sunlight, on wooden stands.

The steps for storing the sunflower header are as follows:

  1. Clean the header from dust, dirt and crop residues;
  2. Remove the chains and boil them in motor tractor oil for 15. 20 minutes at a normal temperature of +80° – 90˚. Wrap the chain in oiled paper or roll it up and put it in storage;
  3. Remove the drive belt, degrease it by washing it in warm water and soap, dry it, powder it with talcum powder or wrap it in waterproof paper, and put it in storage;
  4. Remove fire extinguishing agents and put them in storage;
  5. Wash the reaper and dry it;
  6. Inspect and assess the technical condition of the reaper. Determine whether the reaper can be operated further without repair.

If the reaper does not require repair, perform the following operations:

  • place the harvesting header in the working position on the site;
  • dismount the header, eliminate malfunctions and preserve the cutting unit knife, put it in storage;
  • apply preservative grease to the sprocket teeth, pulley streams, and cutting unit;
  • paint the areas with damaged paint, having previously cleaned them from corrosion;
  • lubricate all points according to the lubrication scheme;
  • place the header on wooden or metal stands so that there is a clearance of 80-100 mm between the header and the ground.

During storage, at least once a month, check the condition of the anti-corrosion coatings and the stability of the header on the supports.

Maintenance of the sunflower header when taking it from storage

This type of maintenance is carried out every time mainly before the start of the season and includes the following steps:

  1. Remove the header from the stands;
  2. Install the cutterbar knife on the bar;
  3. Install the drive belt and chains, align the pulleys and sprockets, and adjust their tension;
  4. Lubricate all points according to the lubrication table and diagram;
  5. Connect the header to the combine and check the operation of components and mechanisms at idle.


Proper maintenance of your sunflower header before harvest and during the season is key to achieving successful and efficient results. Investing time and effort in equipment preparation and regular maintenance will help ensure the smooth operation of your sunflower header and increase your sunflower yield.

Remember that each harvesting header manufacturer may have its own recommendations and maintenance guidelines. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and contact a specialist if you have any questions or problems with your cutterbar.


SUNFLOROMASH plant always offers a fresh solution in the production of machinery, aimed at minimizing costs during harvesting. With innovative solutions, all our products are suitable for severe operating conditions, regardless of the yield and condition of the crops. Sunfloromash is a new indicator of reliability and productivity, which is an essential requirement of agricultural producers to the equipment.

Efficient design solutions of SUNFLOROMASH products are combined with the exceptional quality of their implementation. Our production originates from the feedback, suggestions and comments from consumers of our equipment. It is only you, dear agrarians, who we owe our daily improvement to!

Our advantages:

  • uninterrupted supply due to the storage of finished products in stock;
  • flexible discount system with possible deferred payment;
  • custom configuration of equipment on request;
  • 2-year warranty for parts and 5-year warranty for frames of the products. In case of any faults caused by the manufacturer within the warranty period, the warranty is extended for 1 year;
  • 24/7 service with visits by company experts to European countries;
  • well-organized assembly line production using imported modern CNC equipment;
  • use of high quality materials and components from leading foreign manufacturers.

A classic sunflower header equipped with a pulling shaft. Suitable for higher harvesting speed for close-growing hybrid sunflowers.

SUNFLORO OPTIMO rowless sunflower header with a pulling shaft ✅ Fast harvesting of continuous sowing of hybrid sunflower varieties. ☎ +38 (067) 612-00-66

Reliable and stable supplies and quality control

All products are guaranteed by the manufacturer

We arrange delivery directly to you

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Defective inspection of combine headers. Key aspects and scope of work

Sunfloromash Machine-Building Plant specializes in the production of reliable and high-tech harvesting equipment. The plant is located in the City of Dnipro. The products it manufactures are comparable in quality to European and world counterparts.

The plant has its own design office. Its highly skilled specialists quickly track all technological advances and innovations in the industry and successfully integrate them into the manufacturing process. For each effective design solution, the best way to implement is found, and the feedback and recommendations received from direct consumers of machinery are also taken into account. The strictest quality control is exercised at all stages of production of headers and other devices: from the initial selection of materials and components to bench testing of the samples that come off the production line. The range of products manufactured by the plant is constantly expanding, in line with the growing needs and demands of farmers.

The company’s products are designed for long-term intensive use even in the most severe conditions. Combine headers and other machinery produced by the plant are highly resistant to heavy precipitation and temperature changes. They are highly efficient for crops, regardless of yield or condition.

Sunfloromash headers is a recognizable brand with an undeniably high reputation, combining an innovative approach to production with extensive experience and years of experience. Our headers deliver outstanding performance and reliability and deserve the consistently positive feedback from customers around the world.

Headers for combine harvesters are the most popular product category at Sunfloromash. Here you can buy trailed or attached headers of the following types:

  • for corn harvesting;
  • rowless model for sunflower harvesting;
  • sunflower cutting tables;
  • premium model for sunflower harvesting.

If you are going to buy a Sunfloromash header, you can easily combine it with any combine harvester on the market in the future — regardless of the country of manufacture or the manufacturing plant. The products are sold in different configurations and are very easy to use and maintain.

You can buy a combine header together with a transport trailer, as well as a front loader, attachment for pea and soybean harvesting, equipment for rape seed and sunflower harvesting. This equipment will help farmers to minimize losses during harvesting and carry out agricultural operations with maximum speed and comfort. Sunfloromash headers are priced at a consistently competitive level for a wide range of customers.

Advantages of cooperation with the Sunfloromash plant
Purchasing agricultural machinery from Sunfloromash is convenient and profitable due to the following objective reasons:

The plant uses imported advanced manufacturing equipment with CNC. This equipment guarantees high-precision processing of metal, while welding of frames and assemblies is performed exclusively on specialized slipways and conductors.

During the manufacturing process, the company uses materials of the highest quality and components from the industry’s leading manufacturers.

On the customer’s request, there is an option of ordering custom configurations of equipment.

Finished products are always available in stock, so the company is able to guarantee uninterrupted supplies. Moreover, the company always has a stock of certified spare parts necessary to repair the equipment.

Goods are delivered to the customer within the shortest possible time. Plant specialists will perform commissioning and make sure that the equipment is in good working condition.
You can buy a header or other agricultural equipment at an attractive price with a flexible system of discounts and an interest-free instalment plan. The company also provides an option to lease the equipment.
Warranty for the entire range of products. The warranty period for product frames is 5 years, for parts — 2 years. If during the warranty period any faults caused by the manufacturer are found in the equipment, after their elimination the warranty period for the product is extended for an additional 1 year.

Customers who have purchased Sunfloromash combine headers or other machinery get access to year-round 24/7 service. This service is available in Ukraine as well as in Europe and the CIS.

If you search for “Sanfloro header plant” or “Sanfloro header website”, you will find all the equipment you need on the Sunfloromash website. Our experienced customer service managers will be happy to answer all your questions by phone or e-mail. They offer professional consultation on functional characteristics of machinery and order placement details, will guide you on our price-list and announce the terms of delivery.

The Sunfloromash header will fully justify your investment. It will serve you well for many years, demonstrating high efficiency and rich yields. The decision to buy Sunfloromash headers will result in a meaningful and profitable investment in your agricultural business and will contribute to increasing your income.

SUNFLOROMASH is a company that managed to attract real professionals of the business, high-quality agricultural machinery specialists and combine them with a common idea, such as the production of the best headers and mowers in Ukraine, which not only can compete with the best foreign market leaders, but also become one with them . Our main advantage is the huge experience and innovative approach to the production of sunflower headers and other agricultural products. Our range grows every day, and the quality of service make our customers absolutly happy. We take a special attention to each made header. Quality control is carried out at all stages of sunflower header production, starting from the selection of materials and components, all stages of production and processing and manufacturing of parts and ending with the complete testing of ready-made headers.